Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursdays will Kill my Soul

I barely wrote one hundred words today.
Damn I hate Thursdays.

The reason? 

University begins at Eight in the morning, and ends at four in the afternoon. Then comes the tiredness of having to study till Six in the afternoon and after that...

Sleepy, tired, manga and anime to watch...

Thursdays really kill my soul.

And my muse seems to hate my soul. Come on pal, work with me here! You can't be doing this to me, you can't force me with more plot bunnies! I've got enough on my plate already!

Grey Clouds loomed will probably be wrapped up nicely before it hits twenty-more chapters. There isn't much more to say of Vampire society, and the vast amount of things have already been done.

That's all for the moment.

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