Friday, May 10, 2013

Place Holding and Taking the Check


I am Shadenight123.

And this is how I began.

One day, I will look back to this day and claim 'Hell, what was I thinking?' before slamming a stiff drink through my guts while trying to forget about this.

In the meantime, I'll make do with what I have.

This is a Blog in which I, Shadenight123, will answer the questions in order to keep the Author's notes of my Fanfictions as clean and small as possible.

It is a honorable goal mine, clearly it will be a wonderful success.

We all know how that's going to end of course.

In the meantime, this is just the place-holder first blog-post.

What can I say thus?

Well, first things first, I am a fanfiction writer on Shadenight123 is there.

I wrote quite a bit, apparently more than two millions words since I began. (that's a lot, if you can believe it)

Furthermore, I also evolved.

Yes, like a Pokemon. 

I went from a horrible OC-insert story with little grammar to a strangely well-plotted but utterly horrific written one to finally, (god bless me) a normal written and hopefully well-plotted story theme.

Now, if I can get both writing and plot up to the level of 'optimal' I can finally begin my true objective of ruling the world through angst and tragedy.


Joking, of course.

I actually was on E-republik too at a certain time, and my morbidity in joke counting got me quite a few subscriptions on their online 'journal' of sort.

Yet here I am.

For how long? Well, with the Maya out of their way...

Only time will tell.

Time always does that, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Your Author Notes are surprisingly Lacking.

    Google said you had a Forum on
    You could have just used that.

    Introverted has caught more response than normal, its been recommended about on TFF, Spacebattles and I think of DLP too. It was just a recommendation, people aren't actually discussing it at all.
