Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I will defeat you, allergy!

Imagine sneezing eleven times in a row. Imagine hating the fact it isn't raining because pollen flies in the air. Imagine now being allergic to the olive tree, one of the few trees you can literally find everywhere around the town I live in.
Well, actually imagine being allergic to pretty much everything except concrete.
And I'm near the sea to boot, so I suppose if I lived in the countryside, I'd be dead to begin with.

Anyway, to Update on what I'm currently doing:

The sword of Humanity is at 301 words.

The Equalizer is at 819

Introverted is at 83

Harry Wyllt is at 1010

There is an exponential curve when I write, I have come to understand.

It is easier for me to complete the 4000 -> 5000 words rather than do the first 0->1000 words, but once I'm above then the rest flows easily.

If sneezing doesn't kill me first.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried Homeopathy? I used to have skin rash every winter and had to suffer for years until I drank Homeopathy. That year was the last. My hormones or w/e have been corrected and I no longer suffer.
    Buy a German for best results.

    Don't forget about Wylt in Canon. We(I) want our(my) Dark Humor!
